Let’s be honest. For many of us parents and caregivers, this year coming to an end is a big sigh of relief. Why do you ask? Two words: VIRTUAL LEARNING.
But for children, there’s still one more big bang before 2020 ends –– Christmas.
Rest assured. Virtual learning and Christmas can actually work in your favor with these great gift ideas for your children:
FOR THE VIRTUAL LEARNER THAT NEEDS ZOOM SWAG – Everyone loves clothes. COVID or not. Virtual Zoom class is the perfect opportunity to show off new clothes like these trendsetting sweatshirts.
FOR THE LEARNER THAT LIKES TO EXPRESS HERSELF – Laptop stickers are a great way to express yourself and show off your style. They’re temporary and a great start to a collector’s item collection.
FOR THE LEARNER THAT NEEDS ORGANIZATION – Just because we’re not in-school doesn’t mean kids understand organization. Bookbags and fanny packs can help your child stay organized without ruining your home.
FOR THE BUSY LEARNER THAT NEEDS STUFF TO DO – Need help finding things for your busy body to stay out of your work day? Puzzles and books by black authors can help turn with keeping your child busy with educational projects.